Wednesday, October 2, 2013

                 Indian Digi-Cams Creative Ads Analysis 

Art directors & Copywriters put in a lot of effort in their work to get the invaluable attention of the end consumer and get its message received. For that to happen they have to create high quality advertisements with powerful and intelligent messages but also with an artistic touch; the combination of Photoshop or Illustrator with Photography and great messages is a sure deal in gaining customers.

  • Canon -'Delighting you always'

Print ad catering to the Asian market 
Ad Positioning- By cultural symbols; the above ad tries to associates with a meaningful symbol so its easily identifiable and differentiated.
Ad Appeal- Emotional appeal is been used here ,its basically acts on the sentimental value of the customer. Ad is been made such it will get immediate acceptance from the Asian customers
Ad Execution style- Imagery , ad is associating customer with the brand . 

Its basically a news ad, highlighting the new features of their product.

Ad Positioning- Product attributes & benefits
Ad Appeal- Rational, showing the benefits of the product
Ad Execution style- Demonstration, it illustrates key advantages of the product by showing its actual use.

Positioning-  Use or Application, Product User :  states where all camera can come handy.
Ad Appeal- Emotional , connecting with youth's latest trends
Ad Execution style- Slice of life & personality symbol

  • Casio - EXILIM

A Brand in fatigue
The global brand is looking to revitalize its brand image, here are some print ad which are released in India

'your millisecond makeover'

Ad Positioning- Product quality
Ad Appeal- Both emotional and rational appeal, 
Ad Execution style-imagery , Humor
Peripheral route has be taken to get the attention of the customer as the brand itself is not so appealing in Indian markets
Taking Unshakable stills/pics 

The ad is pretty dull and straight forward which fail educate about the product

Ad Positioning- Product uses.  product is promoted on its special/specific uses
Ad Appeal- Rational appeal 
Ad Execution style- Straight sell & demonstration.

Above Ad have some attention seeking creativity and does convey the message to the audience.

Ad Positioning- Product Attribute
Ad Appeal- Rational
Ad Execution style- Imagery and Demonstration

  • Fujifilm
From cutting-edge digital SLR pro-level models to fashion-conscious point-and-shoot compacts, there's a Fujifilm FinePix digital camera to satisfy every kind of photographer.
- Trying to be India's third largest camera dealer

The source is some what acceptable, taken both central and peripheral route to reach the audience.

Ad Positioning- Product Price & Quality
Ad Appeal- Rationale & Emotional
Ad Execution style- Factual message & Personality Symbol

Removing the pricing and some feature display in the ad and giving just emotional message by peripheral route .

Ad Positioning- Product Class
Ad Appeal- Emotional
Ad Execution style- Personality Symbol

Again no price and facts are shown ,ad is trying to get the customer attention and build awareness about the brand.

Ad Positioning- Product Attributes
Ad Appeal- Emotional/Rational
Ad Execution style- Dramatization 

  • Nikon -At the heart of the image
The rise of smartphone photography is forcing Nikon to rethink the camera

Above print is ad is quite good one and goes with the company's marketing strategy. it concentrates on the experience of clicking photos from the camera and not from cell phones.
Peripheral route is opted here.
product class ad positioning is done, with quality and competitors posi.tioning as well.
Both rational as well as emotional appeal is used.
Execution style is Imagery & humor   

Ad Positioning- Cultural Symbol
Ad Appeal- Emotional
Ad Execution style- Personality Symbol

Ads are using source credibility to build up image for the brand.
This Ad is for  launching of D5200. (news ad)
Ad Appeal- Emotional
Ad Execution style- Personality Symbol

The print Ad was shot soon after Priyanka Chopra was announced the Brand ambassador of NIKON.
source power and credibility is used and the personality is being loved and admired by major audience.
Ad Appeal- Emotional
Ad Execution style-Personality Symbol 

Ads is selling the experience of camera click pictures. 
The image alone lifts up the mood of the audience.

Ad Positioning- Product Price & Attributes
Ad Appeal-  Both Emotional and Rational
Ad Execution style- Slice of Life

Ad Positioning- Cultural Symbol
Ad Appeal- Emotional
Ad Execution style- Personality Symbol, Dramatization
  • Panasonic - Ideas for life


Peripheral route is taken to grab the attention.
Ad Positioning- Product Attributes and Uses
Ad Appeal- Rational
Ad Execution style- Imagery ,humor & animated.

Ad Positioning-Product Attributes and Benefits
Ad Appeal- Emotional and Rational
Ad Execution style- Animation 

Ad Positioning-Product Quality and Attributes
Ad Appeal- Rational
Ad Execution style- Scientific and Technical Evidence
  • Samsung

The print ad introduces the Samsung Galaxy to the Potential Customers.
Ad Appeal- Rational
Ad Execution style- Imagery


                                                      Ad Positioning-Product Price & Quality
   Ad Appeal- Rational
 Ad Execution style- Imagery & Straight Sell


                                                    Ad Positioning-Product Attiributes and Benefits
Ad Appeal- Rational
Ad Execution style- Demonstration

                                                   Ad Positioning- Product Attributes and Benefits
Ad Appeal- Rational
                            Ad Execution style- Demonstrate and Imagery
  • SONY ( Make . Believe )

 Sony is known for its quality and brand image through these ads its is trying to bank on its strengths .
Deepika , a acceptable source is nicely used in all the ads.
                                               Ad Positioning-Product Attributes and uses
Ad Appeal- Rational and Emotional
Ad Execution style-Personality Symbol 

Ad Positioning- Product Quality
Ad Appeal- Emotional
Ad Execution style- Personality Symbol, Humor

Ad Positioning-Product Quality and Attributes
Ad Appeal- Emotional
Ad Execution style-Personality Symbol and Dramatization

When an advertisement is published in print media, it does more than simply persuade the readership to purchase a product or service. It provides the business owner with a means for forming a strong corporate image with the publication’s readership. 
Print ads work well because they appeal to a reader’s emotions. The effective advertisement holds out the promise of betterment to a reader. This is accomplished via professional advertising design, including judicious use of color, layout, positioning, and language.
In this competitive market of Digital camera Using print advertisements for your marketing needs is smart business. Far from being obsolete, print media have a thriving readership. Advertising in print media taps this readership and urges potential customers in your targeted audience to buy your product.